Rolling around in the dirt in a pristine white wedding dress may not be everyone’s idea of having fun, but it's the latest craze these days.
Instead of leaving it in a corner after their weddings, women are instead opting to go out have a great time in some dirt and grime for some particularly memorable photos.
Blenheim photographer Jodie Keen started the trend with her own wedding dress which she planned to trash, three years after her wedding, by swimming in it at Rarangi or Whites Bay.
"I saw a clip on You Tube before I got married and I thought, `I want to do that to my dress'," quoted her as saying.
Keen recently took photos of a woman who had been married a year and put on her wedding dress to take it for a swim in the Taylor River near the River Queen boat, roll around in mud and take a stroll through a nearby construction site.
It was the middle of winter and "freezing cold" but great fun, she said.
"Weddings are what I specialise in but I just love the whole trash-the-dress thing because it's so different. It's not so formally posed like at a wedding," Keen said.
Keen's suggestions for dress-trashing photos included pumping petrol or playing sport, "just really crazy stuff".