It’s okay to want to have some lone time with your lover. But what about the plans you made with your friends? We list top 10 ways to wriggle out smartly...


Traffic: It is the most used and yet most believable excuse, and a very bankable one at that too. No one is unaware of the appalling Mumbai traffic.

Work: Say that you’re stuck at work for long and cannot estimate by what time you will finish. 

Family affair: Nothing beats this, even though you are probably at the risk of sounding uncool. Say that your mom has arranged a family dinner/ function at home. In most probability, your peers wouldn’t want to drop by.

Food poisoning: Just saying you are unwell won’t work as much as ‘food poisoning’ will. Make it clear that you cannot drink or eat out. And for most, this alone could be a put off.

Blame it on cousins: Say your cousins and relatives have descended upon you all of a sudden and therefore you are required to hang with them instead.

Phone troubles: This one is unbeatable. Stay off the phone and be disconnected. It’s convenient to say that your phone ain’t working right.

Nasty neighbours: You partied hard last night and of course you managed to miff your neighbours. Beat that!

Sudden assignment: If you wish to ditch your friends at the last minute, say that your boss wants some work done pronto!

Panic call: In case you are already trapped, this can be your life saver.

Feign a fit: Say you’re terribly unwell and would rather rest.