It is that time of the year when it’s raining parties. And if you are wondering how to approach that girl you found pretty or the guy you found funny, here is exactly what you need to know before you make that move.


1. Dress smart: By smart, we don’t mean over-the-top. Dress to suit the occasion. If it is a party and the dress code is mentioned, stick to it. Do not dress up like a Christmas tree in weird, different colours. Wear something that flatters you, does not reveal too much and something that you are comfortable in. Just because you want to look stylish, do not mix colours, patterns and wear everything from your wardrobe.

2. Make intelligent conversation: Just because you want to strike up a conversation, do not start off with a corny line. Do not use cheesy pick-up lines. Period. Besides making you look like a total idiot, it makes you sound desperate for company. Make conversation, but only smart conversations. Do not contribute to a conversation if you do not know what the topic is. Don’t crack vulgar jokes. No body wants to know about your sense of humour.

3. Be confident: Nothing makes a better impression than a confident person. Do whatever you do with confidence. It doesn’t matter if you goof up or slip up; just be confident. Even if you do not know anyone in a room full of people, have a smile on your face and try to get to know people.

4. Don’t try to hard: Agreed you are looking to score brownie points, but don’t try too hard. Do not give out subtle hints beyond a certain point. If he/she is interested in you, they will get the message and respond. If not, do not pester, ask for his/her number or stalk. You will just spoil it forever.

5. Smell good: No matter how hurried or late you are to reach the party, never leave home without dabbing on some perfume. Guys, you too, never leave home without applying some of your favourite cologne. No one wants to talk to someone who smells like garbage. Also pop a couple of mints or carry mouth fresheners with you.

6. Don’t over compliment: Yes, we all know you like that girl/guy way beyond belief and he/she is really hot, but keep the compliments slow. Do not shower him/her with praises even if you think the person is extraordinarily good. Keep the conversation light and intelligent.

7. Steer clear of personal details: Everyone has a past, but no one wants to know how many boyfriends you dumped or how many girlfriends cheated on you. Besides feeding them information, which is irrelevant, you may completely put off the person on the first meeting. Talk about work or common interests, and stick to safer topics.

8. Don’t be in a hurry: Every girl/guy you meet is not looking around to jump into bed with you. Take it one step at a time. If you like him/her a lot, be frank and say it, but do not be in a hurry to ask for a number, take them out on the same day. Worse is asking them to come over to your pad, especially when you have just met.

9. Be a gentleman: This one’s for the boys. Treat your lady like a princess and always let her be the centre of attraction. Women like chivalrous men, so open doors for them, pull a chair and be polite to everyone around you. No one wants to be with someone who is ill mannered or short-tempered.

10. Keep your word: If you have said you will call or text or meet, make sure you keep your word. Do not fix a date and then bail out on the last minute. Despite it being disrespectful, it does not give out a right impression. Text or, preferably, call if at all you have to cancel a date but not before rescheduling another one. Let him/her know you are worth their time and attention.