No, it’s not really a tuck shop but a store that stocks clothes, home accessories, craft supplies and more. And the eclectic mix probably reflects just how much of a global citizen Raina is. Her father is Maharashtrian and mother is from Uttaranchal. She was born in New Delhi, went to a convent run by Australians, left India at 22 and lived in the US for the next 19 years. She has been in Bangalore for the last four years — her husband’s job brought her family here.


While there are stores that stock on similar merchandise, what makes The Tuckshop special is that it is probably the only store in Bangalore that has a barter system in place. And the importance of barter, in this day and age, feels Raina, lies in “making people think about the need to recycle and use their talents or skills, instead of just money.” She also comments on our tendency to take courtesies for granted, with half-hearted thanks thrown in. “We need to consciously reciprocate. Sometimes, just a thank you is not enough,” she says firmly.

Raina started with a target of 30% bartering for all goods sold at The Tuckshop. She’s working her way towards that figure still, but the system has really taken off. “You can buy things just like a regular store or pay 25% of the price and barter your time, services or goods against the rest,” she says.

“Sometimes, students come and paint. For each hour of their time, they get one T-shirt. Or maybe, I’d ask somebody to cook for me or pick up something on their travels — I have a list in mind,” she explains. And the idea has caught on very well with people who walk into her store.

“We plan to have a barter corner very soon. I’d like to start it next month, if I can figure out the space. It would have, say, 20 things you can’t buy for cash,” she says.