Nivida Chandra is a psychologist who loves to read — something that was inevitable as her family ran a book store, the New Book Depot in Cannaught Place, Delhi from 1925-2011. While the store was still running, she started a blog, to share her thoughts on books she read and liked. Soon people started responding and asking for recommendations, and so they sold a few books through the blog. So Nivida decided to take bookstore online, and Page 99 was born. “We didn’t want to go the megastore route and sell books that were available in other stores and through other online portals,” Nivida says. “What makes Page 99 different is the collection is curated, the books are pre-picked, and only those that I have read and liked and that I trust others will enjoy make it to the list.” The name for the website comes from author Ford Maddox Ford’s theory that to know if you’ll like a book, you have to read both page one and page 99. “While I don’t agree with the theory, the concept works, and therefore we serve as the pre-reader of books that gives feedback before you chose to buy,” Nivida explains.Through the family’s connections of being in the book business for years, Nivida is able to procure quality books, some with editions that are rare and hard to find. “I’ve loved to read since I was a child, and there have been certain books in mind that I wanted and had to search hard for. Readers will find these listed on the website, that I personally recommend,” she explains. Nivida, who is currently pursuing a PhD at IIT says she also takes recommendations from known authors and bloggers who are experts in certain subjects/genres. Initially, the books listed were mostly short story collections, but she has expanded the genres to include fiction, memoires and a bit of history as well. While the customer base is still small, Nivida hopes it will grow as regular readers talk about the website and their recommendations. Beyond just the curated collection, Nivida is an eco-friendly buff, and brings this to her book-selling setup as well. Books are delivered in a eco-friendly, reusable cardboard box tied up with bow string, which cannot be ripped open. “I want readers to have an experience when they order through us, and so the packaging box can also be used for storing the book or anything else you like.We include a quote and a bookmark in each both making the box preservation worthy.” She hopes that soon Page 99 will open as a physical store but in the meanwhile she says of her endeavour, “I want people to value books as more than an object. I want them to have a different experience while receiving our books, and reading and enjoying them.”