Every marriage is different and the circumstances surrounding the fallout too, vary according to the couple’s experiences. However, there are similar factors that can prove to be deal-breakers, which if neglected over a period of time can undo the very foundation of a relationship.


The role of wealth and fame in heartache...

Recently, Hollywood’s former couple Chris Pratt and Anna Faris took to social media to tweet about their decision to part ways. Pratt, 38, and Faris, 40, announced they were legally separating in a joint statement posted to their social media accounts on August 7, writing that they “tried hard for a very long time” and are “really disappointed.”

Anna also responded to a caller’s questions about her relationship saying, “Life is too short to be in relationships where you feel this isn’t fully right or somebody doesn’t have your back, or somebody doesn’t fully value you,” she said. “Don’t be afraid to feel your independence if things aren’t right. I made that mistake, I think, a little bit, like, ‘I’m checking my relationship off the list. If that would be the final piece of advice I could give you, that would be, ‘Know your worth, know your independence.”

However, sources are claiming Chris’ movie star status and skyrocketing fame might have contributed to the demise of the couple’s eight-year marriage. While fans continue to speculate about the reasons for the fallout, one can’t deny that being in the limelight 24/7 and coping with success can be one of the toughest challenges one faces as a couple. But is there a way to navigate the pitfalls that success brings?

Coming to terms with your partner’s success

When both partners are doing well professionally, things are likely to be smoother. However, when one is comparatively more successful than the other, the duo has to make an effort to ensure that it does not take a toll on their relationship. Psychiatrist Dr Hemant Mittal, says, “There will always be envy. In many cases, it’s the woman, who sacrifices her pay to keep the ego battles away. This sacrifice leads to a lot of anger and resentment that can stay lifelong or even destroy the relationship.”

Keep envy, jealous and resentment at bay

Clinical psychologist Seema Hingorrany, agrees and adds, “It’s sometimes a difficult situation for couples to compartmentalise their work and family affairs, when they are in the same field. Unknowingly, jealousy can creep in when one of them is doing well, which does manifest in getting irritable with each other. It starts with squabbles initially but snowballs into major issues later. I have also witnessed that one of them at times also decides to quit the field because they realise that their career is affecting their marriage, but then harbours grudges and resentments lifelong, which is not healthy.” Seema believes couples need to separate their professional and personal lives. They should avoid bringing their work home, also belittling your partner or putting their work down is only going to escalate the problem. She adds, “The best coping method is to always have a positive view towards your partner and his/her work. Couples should celebrate each other’s success and support each other. Such relationship are more meaningful.”

Hemant’s guide to maintain harmony

  • It’s essential to understand that professional success doesn’t mean more than your relationship.  
  • Mutual understanding is key to arriving at tough decisions.  
  • Help each other achieve your dreams and ambitions.  
  • Keep gender differences aside.  
  • Friends and family who create rifts with jibes and comments should be shut down as they create misunderstandings.  
  • Build communication and team work.  
  • Understand that you are a team not just an individual.