An apple a day keeps the doctor away goes the adage. In recent times, apple cider vinegar has soared in popularity owing to its numerous said health benefits — ranging from regulating blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol levels, reducing risk of cardio vascular issues, it’s an abundant source of antioxidants, is great for the skin and is said to aid in weight loss too. Any product which is said to help shed the pounds, it’s a guarantee that people will try it. However, this magic potion of sorts comes with a catch. Since it’s vinegar, not everyone can consume it even when diluted due to its smell and taste. Thanks to the technologically advanced era we live in, apple cider vinegar capsules come to the rescue and one can buy them online. But are these pills as effective as its liquid form? We asked experts to shed some light...



Some health experts believe that these capsules have contents falsely listed in them or they could have harmful ingredients. Some say these pills have the risk of not containing the active ingredient, acetic acid, which is responsible for its health benefits. So what do our experts have to say?

“Apple cider vinegar along with luke warm water or its pills are often consumed to help in combating acidity. The same also enhances the immune system. It is also known for helping the process of marginal fat loss,” opines nutritionist Karishma Chawla of Eat Rite 24x7, who has prescribed apple cider vinegar pills on occasion when clients dislike consuming apple cider vinegar in water. These pills comes to the rescue to such clients. However, “One must note that, the authenticity of the pills or brand is something that must be considered. It needs to be researched on first!,” she cautions.

Pallavi Srivastava, fitness nutritionist, Proprietor — Q-Slim Fitness Studio, says that there’s no concrete research to prove the potential health benefits of these pills. Also, many studies have proved that the content of acetic acid in them vary to a great extent, and some may not contain apple cider vinegar at all. Health-wise these pills should be consumed after consulting with a doctor or nutrition expert.


Apple cider vinegar capsules has few benefits but it’s not necessary to consume it for weight loss. It’s basically taking apple cider vinegar in a concentrated form. Kanchan Patwardhan, clinical nutritionist, Kanchan’s House of Health and Nutrition, says, “One capsule is almost equivalent to 500 mgs. And its pH level is 3.1 to 3.5. But consuming it in larger amounts can affect your health. If you have it on an empty stomach then it may cause problems like throat irritation and may increase  oesophagus discomfort and stomach ulcer. So better to consume it with your food so it may aid digestion. Also, if you consume in large amounts, it may adversely affect the bones and there are chances of getting osteoporosis so better to consume in smaller portion.” She further adds, “If you don’t like the taste of apple cider vinegar then there’s no point in recommending the pills. As it won’t show much difference. So I won’t recommend them the same.”

“The dosages mentioned on these pills bottles are about 300-500 mgs thrice a day, which is a huge amount of the vinegar being consumed. These may cause side-effects like oesophageal burning, hyperacidity, ulcers amongst others. Since the research on these pills have not been proven fully, one must be careful, specially if one is suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure,” says Srivastava, who has had clients consuming an extra amount of apple cider vinegar, which led to hyperacidity and erosion of the teeth enamel.

Srivastava does not recommend these pills saying, “The healthiest way to lose weight is to follow a balanced diet coupled with moderate exercise to suit your body type, age and fitness level. Diets should be a lifestyle modification and one can not boost their metabolism only by popping a pill or following one regime. It must be a combination of a balanced pattern to complete your daily requirement of nutrients.”