Sudha Murty is one of the most influential Indian women across the globe. She is known for her motivational journey, books and philanthropy. An inspiration to many, Sudha Murty is married to billionaire Narayana Murthy who is founder of Infosys that currently has a market cap of more than Rs 630000 crore. Sudha Murty and Narayana Murthy often make it to the news for their business related announcement but the couple is now trending as Sudha Murty has finally spilled the beans on why her surname is spelt different from her husband. As revealed by the philanthropist, the reason behind it is embedded in Sanskrit tradition. Sudha Murty believes that "Sanskrit is the perfect language, and for every pronunciation, there is a letter."


While speaking during an interaction with MoneyControl, Sudha Murty has clarified that spelling or her husband’s surname Murthy with ‘THY’ does not align with the Sanskrit spelling. With the aim to preserve their cultural origins, Sudha Murty refused to use the ‘Murthy’ surname and it was a crucial aspect of her marriage agreement. “And Murthy in Sanskrit is, you know, Narayana Murty, Vasudeva Murty, this is a kind of name where you can visualize that. Murthy is a statue. So it cannot be ‘THY’,” she said.

“I had a condition during marriage that I won’t write ‘THY’ as it would be against the Sanskrit spelling,” she added. Sudha Murty's preference for the spelling 'TY' instead of 'THY' traces back to her university years, which is when she first noticed the difference in spelling with Narayana Murthy. This preference extended to her marriage, where she chose to stick with 'TY' over the traditional 'THY,' standing firm in her conviction about its accuracy.

Sudha Murty and Narayana Murthy’s children Akshata and Rohan use the ‘Murty’ surname and not ‘Murthy.’