You’ve prepared for weeks to run the marathon. And when you’re done being a part of it, the satisfaction will be immense, justifying how much you’ve toiled for it. But post the marathon, you should not slump back into the humdrum of your daily routine, or let your fitness level (that you painstakingly worked for), disappear. Fitness experts echo the same concern; here’s some advice.Fitness for lifeMost individuals are busy with their work schedule, family and home responsibilities, catching up with friends, etc., which doesn’t give them enough time to dedicate to a fitness regime. Also, leading a sedentary lifestyle adds to the baggage of being unhealthy. “What one needs to remember is that a healthy mind and body is integral to being happy. When you exercise, you feel good; it relieves stress and makes you fit. Don’t go back to being lazy, with no exercise in your routine, once the marathon is over. Aim at being fit for life, not just for the marathon,” reasons out fitness expert Deanne Panday.Rest for some daysBefore you swing back into action, give yourself some time off. “Take a break from working out or running for a couple of days post-marathon. The body needs about 48 hours to recover. It is not just about giving your legs a rest, the whole body is involved while running and it needs rest too. Also, during this period, ensure that you rehydrate your body,” advises Shalini Bhargava, fitness instructor at JG’s Fitness Centre.Be activeCross-train by alternating with different forms of workout. The body adjusts itself to a new form of exercise every few months. Also, cross-training gives a chance to use those muscles that haven’t been worked upon,” informs Bhargava. If you’ve been running for the past few months, she suggests taking up a different form of workout like swimming, dancing, or even signing up for a boot camp. Any form of workout for an hour is decent. It is important to do some weight-training as well.Panday says that one can choose to indulge in any form of physical activity— brisk walking, dancing, Pilates, etc —to stay fit. The trick is to keep oneself physically active by indulging in any of these activities at least four times a week.