Looking inside, making sense of the worldWith so much information about religion and spirituality bombarding you, you may be disillusioned, may have begun your own search or may have also come to some conclusions about your views on subjects dealt with on the test. If you're still curious and want to discover more about yourself, the questions in these test will surely make you think about your own beliefs, about your reactions and responses to those of others and how you would guide someone on their own path.Click here for the test: http://www.beliefnet.com/section/quiz/index.asp?surveyid=27Actions speak louder than thoughtsWhile the previous test asks you about your views directly, this test puts you in different situations like a beach, a meeting room... as well as your preferences in different aspects of life. From all of this the test derives your spirituality preference. Check it out, see if it matches your mind.Click here for the test: http://prayer-center.upperroom.org/resources/quizA game of wordsIf you're not in the mood to reflect and answer deep questions, then this is the test for you. All you need to do is decide how well each mentioned adjective, like passionate, pragmatic, conscientious...describes you. The result will not only tell you about your type of spirituality, but also a little about the history of that kind of spirituality. So there's more than just self discovery to look forward toClick here for the test: http://www.vocationnetwork.org/articles/show/63


Note: The important thing here is not the result you get at the end of the test, but what you find out about yourself as you go about answering the questions.