A 14-year-old boy from Cheltenham was arrested last week for posting a pornographic video of himself and his girlfriend on Facebook. For many adults, the reaction was disbelief and horror. But for teenagers themselves? "It's so commonplace that I doubt many would bat an eyelid," says 16-year-old Amy. "If I asked around, I could probably get 10 to 20 photos that have been sent around or put on Facebook in under an hour." Amy's reaction isn't unusual. Sexting - sending sexually provocative pictures, messages or video clips via a phone or the internet - has become an epidemic, according to Sherry Adhami of the charity Beatbullying. "We're seeing it more and more - we've even seen it in primary schools," she says. "It's 100% classless; this affects children whether they're in deprived or affluent areas."But the result can be devastating. "It felt like everyone in the street was looking at me," says Jane, now 15. When Jane was just 12, explicit photos of her were posted online. "I was terrified someone would tell me they had seen me on the net. Because of this, I refused to go out in public and didn't feel I could trust even my closest friends." When Beatbullying carried out a poll of 2,000 children in 2009, they found a third of children had received a sexually explicit message online, while a quarter had received an image. Research from Plymouth University reveals that 40 per cent of 14- to 16-year-olds say they have friends who have engaged in sexting. Worryingly, nearly 20% did not think there was anything wrong with full nudity in such images, while 40 per cent thought toplessness was acceptable.And while sexual experimentation has always been part of teenage life, experts fear that young people are being coerced into providing explicit photos online, which are then shared without their consent via phones and social networking sites - a process known as doxing."For the first time in human history, everyone has got a camera in their pocket," says Jonathan Baggaley of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). "And with apps like Instagram you can share a picture across multiple platforms at the click of button."Crazes sweep through teenage groups. But according to Jon Brown of the NSPCC, unlike the Cheltenham case, most teenagers share photos via BBM (BlackBerry Messenger): "Unlike Facebook (which teenagers refer to as Baitbook, because parents and others can easily see what's on it), it's a closed network - you have to invite people and have a PIN."Amy knows of a case where BBM was used to hideous effect: "There was a photo taken of a 16-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl having sex. The photo was sent around and the school had to intervene because lots of people put it as their BBM profile picture. The school spoke to the girl and told off anyone mentioning the photo in class, but they couldn't really do much else."It is very often the girl who is pressurised into exposing themselves online, and is then humiliated. "Girls feel coerced into sharing pictures," says Brown. "Boyfriends normalise it - it's the whole 'If you really love me' argument. And it's often basic sexism, with girls being seen as boys' property. We've seen pictures where girls write across their breasts 'I belong to X [the boyfriend's name]'." "Girls aged 12 to 14 are naturally experimenting in many aspects of their life - with one, of course, being sex," says Tink Palmer of the Marie Collins Foundation (MCF), a charity set up to help young people who have suffered abuse via phone or the net. "When it comes to sex online, the opportunities to [experiment] are greater and there is little parental control. [Teenagers] rarely give a second thought to the implications of their behaviour.""It is impossible to try to explain the feeling you get inside when you realise that what you thought was a private relationship with someone who really cared about you was nothing of the sort," recalls 16-year-old Lucy. She, like Jane, was helped by MCF after becoming a victim of sexting when she was just 13. "He was 16 and I felt flattered that someone of that age should fancy me. I definitely thought I was in love with him and would have done anything he asked - so when he asked me to send pictures of myself naked, although I felt a bit awkward, I agreed. He sent them on to his friends, the whole school seemed to know about it… the fall-out for me was terrible." The most serious sexting case to date concerns Jessica Logan, 18, from Ohio. Using her mobile, she sent her then boyfriend a nude photograph of herself - but after they broke up he sent it to their friends. Logan was labelled a "slut", "skank" and a "whore". She started skipping school to avoid her tormentors. Eventually, she hanged herself, leaving her phone in the centre of the room where she committed suicide. "The Logan case shows that sexting and doxing can't be dismissed as youthful hijinks," says Professor Andy Phippen, who carried out the Plymouth research. "We also have to be concerned that normal behaviour is being distorted. What happens when these people grow up? They need to understand that if they fancy a colleague, for example, they ask them out for a drink - they don't send them an explicit picture of themselves."Baggaley thinks the rise of easily accessible online pornography is to blame. "Young people are accessing far harder pornographic images than 10 or 15 years ago," he says. "We have to ask, does that influence what they themselves put out on the internet?" He says that teenage boys are now often shocked when they see real girls who have pubic hair, as opposed to pornographic fantasy images. These young men also often think that unrealistic pornographic scenarios equate to normal sexual behaviour. And he also warns that young people are putting themselves at risk from child sex offenders. Teenagers are increasingly using webcams to experiment sexually, not just with their boyfriend or girlfriend but with a wider audience - using services like Skype, webcam chatrooms or sites like Chatroulette, where you talk to a random stranger."Child sex offenders are no longer looking to meet up, as they can abuse victims via a webcam," says Baggaley. "There's not even the traditional grooming process - we see abusers simply resorting to blackmail - recording a webcam feed (or pretending to) and then saying that they will send it to all the child's friends if the child doesn't do more extreme acts." All the charities are united in their belief that parents and teachers need to be far better informed. "It's about being there to support your children if it does happen," says Phippen, "but also being responsible - not using computers and mobile phones as an electronic nanny, and thinking about restricting time online after 10pm." "Teachers also tell us that they're not sufficiently trained - that they need help," adds Brown. "The government and industry, who are raking in millions through smartphones, should take a lead role in bringing in a clearer set of guidelines on the use and abuse of such phones.""We need young people to realise that if you take an indecent picture of an under-18, you are breaking the law," concludes Baggaley. "And while they might be happy sharing a picture with their boyfriend or girlfriend, they should know a large amount of this self-taken material ends up in the collections of child sex offenders. Finally, is it something they'd be happy with their mother or grandmother seeing?"But how seriously will teens take this advice? After all, they live in a world where sharing any type of image has become the norm. The Cheltenham teenager in question subsequently (and proudly) published a photo of himself on Twitter holding up the local newspaper front page with the story of his arrest. "We did get an NSPCC booklet in school about two years ago regarding sexting, but no one paid attention and I doubt they will," adds Amy. "People only learn from their mistakes, after all."* Some names have been changed.