How about not spending too much money on beauty products that won’t be your favourite after a few uses? After Hrs suggests home remedies that you can try out and not worry about having to throw away the rest...


Prevent acneTake two large eggs and two drops of lemon juice. Separate the egg whites, add the lemon juice. Whip the egg whites until it becomes frothy. After cleansing your face properly, apply the whipped egg on your face. Leave it on till it dries and rinse off with warm water. This treatment is great for oily skin and helps to remove spots as well.

No brown pleaseYoghurt isn’t just good for dietary purposes. You can use it on your face as well. Apply a layer of regular white curd or yoghurt and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Wash it off well and pat dry. Yoghurt helps to rid the skin of dead cells.

Yummy!Chocolate facials and body wraps are extremely popular in the city. However, you don’t have to go to a spa for that. Take 1/3rd cup cocoa, 1/4th cup honey, 2tbsp heavy cream and 3tbsp oatmeal powder. Mix all the ingredients together into one smooth paste. Apply it on your face and massage it in circular motion so that the oatmeal can also scrub dead cells off. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.

An apple a dayApples are great for pampering oily skin and here’s one way of indulging in them. Take one apple, peel and grate it. Take two tbsp of honey and yoghurt each. Mix all the ingredients, apply it on your face and keep it on for about 20 minutes. Rinse off well.

Aloe friendlyAloe Vera is one miraculous plant. It’s not only good for your body but is known to fix little cuts as well. To use it as a facial scrub, take three tbsp of aloe vera gel, one tbsp of lime juice, two tbsp of brown sugar and one tbsp of honey.

Mix the aloe vera and honey first, till it’s blended really well. Add the lime juice and brown sugar next. Stir the mixture properly but make sure that the sugar doesn’t dissolve.

Apply the mask on your face in a uniform manner, leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

While rinsing, massage your face gently to make sure the whole thing comes off. This treatment is perfect for oily skin but don’t do it more than twice a week or else your skin may become too dry.