Buying shoe polish is such a game-changer. It's like giving your shoes a little spa treatment. Trust me, it's totally worth it! With just a quick application, you can bring your shoes back to life and make them look brand new and the conditioning liquid and in the polish not only shine your shoes but also nourish and protect the leather. So, if you want to keep your shoes looking sharp and well-maintained, go ahead and buy that shoe polish.


Cherry Blossom Shoe Shiner Sponge Handy Shine Neutral At Rs 58

  • It's super easy to apply with its no-mess sponge format
  • Not only does it give your shoes an instant shine, but it also provides protection from dirt and dust
  • The shiner is made with a special blend of oils and waxes, ensuring a high-quality shin and it's so convenient to carry around wherever you go.

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Kiwi Instant Polish At Rs 85

  • This shoe polish gives your shoes a wax-rich shine while providing instant protection
  •  It features a unique long-lasting double-layer sponge applicator with dosage control, ensuring it lasts much longer
  • With this polish, you can achieve an instant shine without the need for buffing.

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Vetro Wax Shoe Polish At Rs 149

  • This wax shoe polish is specially formulated to revive and nourish your shoes, bringing back their shine and keeping the leather supple to prevent cracks
  • It also creates a protective shield that guards against moisture, dust, and scratches, helping to maintain their appearance and prolong their lifespan
  • Made with high-quality ingredients, this shoe shiner ensures a professional-grade finish without compromising your shoes' integrity.

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  • This shoe shine is enriched with Carnauba wax and conditioning liquid, perfect for all smooth leathers
  •  It refreshes the color of your shoes, giving them an instant self-shine and a bright dressing
  • The formula is based on soft waxes and resins in a water solution, ensuring a high-quality shine
  • You can apply it quickly and easily with the imported long-lasting sponge. 

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