We all long for that moment when the Universe conspires to unite us with our soulmate. Some believe that if you are in a soulmate relationship, you'd never ask these questions, because your soul is content. But how do we know if we are in a soulmate relationship? What kind of spiritual strength and intelligence will it take to recognise your soulmate?


To begin with, let's try defining a soul mate.

Soulmates need not be perfect; they simply are in harmony. He/she is one who accepts you for what you are, without any 'terms and conditions'. A soulmate is one who grows with you spiritually, one with whom you feel a deep connection with. And this soulmate need not be the one you are married to.  “I completely stand by what Robert Brault, an American operatic tenor said once that 'What we find in a soulmate is not something wild to tame but something wild to run with', that’s what each one of us wants and seeks in a soulmate, not just to complete you but to let you be you,” says Varsha Pillai, Media Advocacy Manager, CRY.

Spiritual PurposeA soulmate may or may not be your best friend, may or may not be of the same sex. You may never have a physical relationship with them, but the love and depth of connection between you, will last a lifetime. There is often an unspoken resonance and understanding of one another, a sense of immediate affinity and love, which can manifest as intense states of bliss and sorrow. Somehow you know that you share some sort of spiritual purpose together and you feel an urgency to get this show on the road.“A soulmate is the one person you don't need to fill the silent moments with awkward conversation. The person who understands you even when all you say is, "it's fine!" The one person who doesn't change who you are but helps you grow as a human being,” shares Beverly Noronha.

A Splitting BondSome theories believe that soulmates are created when the creator takes a soul and splits it into two, as it is cast into human form. This is your twin flame. Each half is supposed to learn the life lessons at its own pace. When the two halves sometimes cross paths during various lifetimes, they have a cosmic powerful bond because they really are of the same soul. They complete each other. They are often very much alike, and the intensity of the connection is too much for a mere human with emotions and issues to handle, so they painfully end up parting ways. When they both finish their lessons, they are both reunited in heaven and come together as a beautiful representation of love and unity.

All about the JourneyAccording to Jyoti Arora, a counseling psychologist and a special educator at Inclusive Centre of Education and Vishesh Child Development Centre and Ira Gurukul, “Soulmates are humans who come to your life as companions, who join you to embark on this soul journey and help you reach 'home'. We have taken human form to complete our deeds and leave. In this whole fuss, we meet someone who helps us untangle from the web of life. This soulmate or companion helps you concentrate on this journey and helps you get there. How? He/she helps us focus on life's purpose, makes it easier to depart and makes this life as painless as possible. Together, we will try not to indulge. Rather, slowly walk out, erase our prints and quietly depart”.

One, too manyThere are several theories, which believe that you can have more than one soulmate in your life. Very often, soul connections have helped each other grow in previous lifetimes, and for that reason, there may be karma between them yet to be resolved. There may also be a noted amount of synchronicities that take place around the time of or after the time of meeting. These are the soul connections that tend to end up in deeper involvement and/or romantic relationships.We often hear those hurting over the break up of a romantic relationship say things such as, “When I met him, I just knew we were meant to be together.”, or “I felt like I had known her all my life!” or even statements like, “There was an instant attraction that we both felt!” In these instances, what has happened is the soul connection they felt for each other brought a romantic relationship. It does not actually mean you were each other’s one and only true soulmate, as so many people throughout their lives search for. We will often continue working on relationships through multiple lifetimes, learning and growing through our relationships in each incarnation together.

So, sit back, close your eyes, take a deep breath and contemplate over if you have found your soulmate or not.