One has often heard the word collagen in reference to skin care. In fact, this essential protein that decreases as one ages, has been so sought after that there are not only anti-ageing creams and serums, but also powders and pills to help boost production. With a reduction in collagen levels, one begins to notice the appearance of fine lines and sagging skin. Now there are garments that boast of beauty benefits. Buki, a US-based company has created a limited-edition collection that promises to moisturise your skin and even protect it from the sun. It uses marine-sourced collagen, that has been ground into powder and later turned into fabric. It is said to be the safest form of collagen and also the most easily absorbed by our bodies due to the smaller molecule size. The line currently features scarves, tops, hoodies and a pillowcase. 


Not as effective

Collagen is the main building structure present in the skin, bones, cartilage and it is what gives tissue the structural support. Tablets, creams, serums all claim to increase collagen levels in the body, but this is a highly disputed claim, explains Dr Shuba Dharmama, Dermatologist, Lejeune Medspa. “Collagen molecule is too big to be effectively absorbed when applied on the skin. Even powders, drinks and tablets are not as better or effective as their marketing claims. It is impossible of course for collagen clothes to do anything other than provide a sort of barrier to the skin. If supple skin is what you are looking for it seems like a very expensive option to hydrate your skin instead of just applying a daily moisturiser,” she says. It may be useful for certain skin types that are dry and prone to eczema or psoriasis but again a good barrier cream is a cheaper option and simpler to apply, she adds.

Better options

Collagen production can be boosted with certain procedures. In order to repair damaged collagen and stimulate the body to make new collagen,   laser treatments and fillers are an option. Dr (Capt) Deepti Dhillon, Dermatologist, Apple Skin Clinic says, “Resurfacing lasers have been used to remove the damaged collagen and make our collagen-producing cells more active.  The new hyaluronic acid fillers stimulate collagen production by stretching the collagen-producing cells known as fibroblasts. These fillers not only make your skin look better immediately, they also create thicker skin due to increased collagen production. The most important thing to know is to regularly use sunscreen and stimulate as much as you can with topical retinol, growth factors and peptides.” And does she think this kind of clothing works? It will likely keep moisture from evaporating off of the surface of the skin, hence making your skin feel softer and more supple.

Need more research

Putting collagen on your skin directly doesn’t mean that it’s going to get absorbed into your skin and increase collagen levels, Dr Shefali Trasi Nerurkar, MD Skin, Consultant Dermatologist, Dr Trasi’s Clinic & La Piel opines. “At the moment, there is not enough research to prove wearing collagen on our skin is more beneficial than using a regular topical moisturiser. Oral collagen shots or tablets are more beneficial than application. Creams containing retinoids can be used on regular basis. Also, most of the anti-ageing lasers like carbon dioxide and Erbium YAG, Thermage help in collagen neogenesis and remodelling,” she adds.