Actress Raima Sen confesses to being a big movie buff, though books and music help her unwind too, especially during weekends...


Tune TableI love music and keep tripping on it especially when I am driving or working out in the gym. From Indian music to hip hop, I listen to most of the genres. My list of favourites includes Tony Braxton, Akon and Enrique Iglesias along with few others. Everyone’s got a unique voice and anything that makes me groove automatically becomes my favourite.

PagedI love reading books, especially the time-tested ones like The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, The Catcher in the Rye by J D Salinger and Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I also like reading poetry, especially Rabindranath Tagore’s works. A lot of my films are inspired from his works, and I love most of his works. Of late, I started reading all of Paulo Coelho.

Flick itI love watching movies and am a big movie buff. There have been days where I’ve watched movies back-to-back! I love watching my grandmother Suchitra Sen’s movies. Some of my favourites of hers are Aandhi and Mamta...she was just fab in those flicks. In English, A Beautiful Mind is my favourite. It’s very touching and heart-warming.