The word ‘I’ is the most common and also the most confused word. There is a ‘lower self’ and a ‘higher self’ in us. Meditation helps us discover the ‘higher self.’


The ‘lower self’ has many ‘I’s’ …. I am a father, I am brother, I am the boss … but these are only the roles that I play; but ‘I’ am not the role. Then who am ‘I?’ I am a space in which all thoughts and roles exist. This inner space is the ‘higher self.’

This inner space is silence. Meditation helps you discover this silence. Silence is not the absence of sound but a ‘presence’ filled with life. Silence is not a product of thought but a space from which thoughts exit. When you look inward, you find your thoughts are seeking something in the form of pleasure, name, fame and power. The seeker runs after something. In the seeker, the sought is hidden. Actually, one is seeking silence.

There is no silence as long as there is the greedy self. The greed to become somebody and the fear of being nobody causes great stress. Silence is beyond thought and mind. The art of going beyond is the science of meditation.

We cannot go beyond the mind as it drags us to the past and to the future, thus making us worry about the past and the future. It makes us feel the world of hope, the world of frustration and make us miss the world of the dancing present.

Why does this happen?Our life is ‘in time’ and ‘beyond time’; for example, in sleep we are beyond time. We only experience being ‘in time’ but we have not learnt the art of going beyond time, consciously. This creates incompleteness. Hence, we experience deficiency. This deficient self seeks sufficiency. This seeking makes one want more, thus leading to a deeper state of deficiency.The solution to this is meditation.

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