Srinagar-based IAS officer Faisal Shah shared a post on his Facebook page on Sunday about a resignation letter he received from a female colleague. The post, which has been shared over 600 times, shows how Indian society still finds it difficult to accept women stepping out of their homes and work. 


Faisal says the officer had not given any specific reasons, but just said she no longer wanted to continue in government service anymore. “In an age of job crunch someone quitting a government job came as a big surprise to me,” he said.

Faisal then marked it to the next officer, who then sent it to the concerned officer. The letter, according to Faisal, went six levels down the bureaucratic value chain. 

Few months later, Faisal got the file. While he was running through the pages, a lady rushed into his office, grabbed the file, tore the pages and began crying. 

“I asked her to stop crying as I was unable to understand whatever she was saying, her sobs mixed with her speech. We got some water for her. I was angry and annoyed that she destroyed an official document but such was the swiftness with which it all happened that I couldn't do much,” he said.

After the woman regained her composure, she told Faisal that she did not file this resignation. She found out from the office staff. She then told Faisal that the letter was sent by her husband in her name without her knowledge. She added that her husband didn’t have a job and didn’t want her to have one either. “She told me that she wanted to work and earn for her children,” Faisal wrote.  

Faisal added, “Most of us were men around and our heads dropped with shame. We knew that somewhere all men have this insecurity that they do not want their wives to outgrow and outshine them. But here was a great lesson to learn. The lady had been lucky. She got to know about it at the right moment.”

In his conclusion, Faisal questioned how many fake resignation letters our future husbands will have to write on behalf of their wives, if things go on like this around us. We need to do something about it.