The festival of Chaitra Navratri is being celebrated from April 2 to April 11 this year. These nine days are known to worship goddess Durga and seek her blessings for protection from evil. The festival is associated with the ‘power of being a woman’ and exemplifies womanhood in its true essence.


Here we will you the connection between the nine avatars of Durga Maa and real-life women

* Shailaputri – Shailaputri means ‘parvat ki beti’ i.e. the daughter of mountains. She is worshipped on the day 1 of Navratri.

Shailaputri’s ancient stories are enough to know her courage and strength. Today, we live in a man’s world and it is hard for a woman to make her own space.

However, like Shailaputri, women should have a never give up spirit. Women across the globe have fought against patriarchal set ups for basic things like education. While you are reading this, Afghanistan’s women are fighting against Taliban’s decision to restrict their public life.

* Brahmacharini – Brahmacharini is worshipped on the day 2 of Navratri. She is synonymous with penance and guides us on going to any extent to achieve what we desire.

Brahmacharini, literally means a devoted female student. As per UNESCO, about 129 million girls are still not going to school. Are we worshipping the real-life Brahmacharini?

Also, READ: Chaitra Navratri 2022: Auspicious time for puja, muhurat and other details

* Chandraghanta – Chandraghanta is the symbol of overcoming mental and physical sufferings. She also tells us about multi-tasking. She held weapons in her many hands to kill the demon named Raktabeej. Likewise, women fulfil many roles in one life. Being a good wife, a good mother, a good employee is what women are aspiring to be.

* Kushmanda – Worshipped on the fourth day of Navratri, Kushmanda is the leader, the creator and the power of the whole universe. This form of Goddess Parvati teaches us have a clear vision, aim, and goal in life and try everything to reach there.

As per International Labour Organisation, the current global labour force participation rate for women is just under 47%. For men, it's 72%. Is it because women don’t have a clear vision like ‘Kushmanda’ or because patriarchy wants us to remain in blur?

* Skandmata – Skandmata is the mother of lord Kartikeya. She is the divine power who gave birth to a warrior and was always there for him.

Likewise, our mothers work harder than us to help us achieve our goals. Our Skandmata’s deserve all the happiness in the world. Giving birth to a child is one of the most excruciating pains to bear, but our Skandmata goes through it al with a smiling face.

* Katyayani – Katyayani was born out of anger. When the demons started taking hold of the universe, then a burning rage came out of all devas. This gave birth to Katyayani.She tells us that channelising rage in the right direction can bring us great results. She also tells us that we mustn’t shy from showing our emotions to the world. We must always fight for what is right. 

* Kaalratri – Kalratri gives us hope in troubling situations. She doesn’t preach that all will get well but explains that this too shall pass. She tells us to look beyond the darkness with patience.In today’s world, women have to practice patience until they can prove the patriarchy that they are right. But do we have to actually prove this?

* Mahagauri – Mahagauri came into existence when people were scared to witness the anger of Maa Durga in the form of Kaali. She teaches us the compassion, love and the importance of transformation. A woman has the capability to transform the whole world by being compassionate towards the other.

* Siddhidatri - Siddhi means “meditative ability”, Dhatri means “giver”. Our mother’s are self-less givers, who do everything for us without asking for anything. One half of Lord Shiva’s body is that of Goddess Siddhidatri and thus he is called Ardhanarishwar. This explains that women complete men and that masculine and feminine are just two polarities that every human has. Hence, every male has a female within.