National Forest Martyrs Day 2022 is observed on September 11 every year. To honour those who gave their lives to preserve India's forests, jungles, and wildlife, National Forest Martyrs Day is observed. In order to protect our forests, wildlife, national parks, animal sanctuaries, etc., forest rangers and other personnel work day and night.


The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change declared in 2013 that a day should be set aside in honour of forests and people who protect India's forests, jungles, and wildlife.

The tragic Khejarli massacre occurred on September 11, 1730, which is why this day was chosen to be recognised as National Forest Martyrs Day. Cutting down the Khejarli trees in the forest was ordered by Maharaja Abhay Singh of Rajasthan. Bishnoi community people protested against the order as they considered Khejarli trees to be sacred. A woman named Amrita Devi offered her head to save Khejarli trees from being cut down, as a mark of protest. 

However, the Maharaja’s men beheaded Amrita Devi and also killed more than 350 people that day, including young children of Amrita Devi. The King ordered his men to stop killing individuals when the situation worsened. He expressed his regret to the people and lauded their commitment to the preservation of trees. Maharaja Abhay Singh went a step further and signed a decree that forbade the cutting of trees and hunting of wildlife in the forest in the future.

The significance of trees is celebrated on National Forest Martyrs Day. We must preserve the forests and safeguard the trees in order to live healthy lives. The day is significant in the current climate when one of the biggest problems facing the planet is the loss of green cover.