Reuel had biliary atresia, which means he was born without bile ducts. As a result, no bile was being produced, digestion was taking a back seat and the bile flow from his liver to his gallbladder was blocked. Baby Reuel developed jaundice; his liver was damaged and he was in the final stages of liver cirrhosis.Diana was just 22 and was faced with the possibility of life without her first born. The doctors had made arrangements for a liver transplant from a brain-dead girl. The blood tests showed that Diana was a match and while her life could be at risk, she was mentally prepared. And a good thing too. The girl’s parents backed out at the last minute. Diana had 20 days to prepare herself—financially, physically and mentally. “Reuel was in the last stage. He had already vomited blood and giving a part of my liver was the last and only thing I could do for him as a mother. It was the last chance for his survival,” she says.She was too much in a daze and all she could think of was saving Reuel, risk or no risk. A normal teenager, Reuel just celebrated his 17th birthday on the 6th of May, thanks to the best gift his mum gave him—a brand new life!