Have you always wanted perfect looking nails? Well, you need not spend exorbitant amounts at a beauty parlour or spa for manicures anymore, as here are a couple of tips which could help you get the perfect French manicure at home!You need1.An acetone nail polish remover2. Clear base polish3. White/nude/sheer nail paints/ neutral nail paints like pink beige or peach. 4. Nail clippers, and a nail file.5. Cuticle oil 6. Tip guide strips/ tape


And start…Make sure to clean all traces of nail paint from your nails with the help of an acetone nail paint remover.

Got hangnails because of dry skin? Maybe you should use a nail clipper and cut them all. Be careful while doing this or you’ll end up damaging the skin around the nail.

Start clipping your nails from the length of your fingertips. Use the nail file to create the shape you desire. Wash your hands and rub your nails thoroughly to be doubly sure that your hands and nails are clean and germ/dust free.

Always begin by swiping your base coat, and then continue it with each side to even it out.

The base coat needs to be dry before you apply nude nail color. Stick to one coat to prevent the overdone look. So, make sure to keep your hands until the polish dries to avoid instances of smudging.

Once the nail coat is dry, you could go ahead and start working on the tips with the help of white nail paints. As far as creating the white stripes are concerned, you could either use a tape or buy tip guide stripsWait for the white nail paint to dry, and you could cover it with an attractive top coat.— Compiled by Pooja Prabhan