What is it that bothers you in spite of your excellent performance at work? Do you ever get tense and insecure despite your settled life? Then you are definitely not happy and need to define happiness in your life.


Various religions have different definitions and meanings of happiness. In Islam, the definition is quite interesting. It is believed that caring for other human beings leads to a happy life.

Speaking to DNA, one prominent Muslim leader JV Momin spoke on happiness in Islam and said, “Helping the poor, sick, needy and neighbours of different religions will please Allah and he in turn will fill happiness in your life.”

Also, there are five duties defined in Islam for every Muslim to follow. Duties like observing roza, jakat (charity work), Haj yatra and reading namaaz daily is important for a Muslim to follow daily.

Furthermore, Allah has ordered that if any Muslim does injustice to any human or living being, then he will be punished on Qayamat (day of judgment). “Though Islam recognises jihad (fighting for injustice), it does not allow terrorism and killing of innocent people,” added Momin.

Echoing similar opinions, Imam Saheb of Jumma Masjid, Manek Chowk, Mohammed Shabbir Ahmed Siddiqui said, “Every good deed gives you happiness. The more good deeds you perform happier will you be. Good deeds range from helping the poor, feeding the hungry, educating children and welfare work in society. All these good deeds make Allah happy and bring happiness in people’s lives.” Siddiqui added that Allah has mentioned some wrongdoings which every Muslim should abstain from in order to remain happy. “These include alcohol, addiction, theft, bribe, injustice and cheating. Allah says that if every Muslim abstains from such wrongdoings, then they will be happy.”