Raageshwari Loomba is now donning a new avatar and is in the process of writing a cookbook. She shares with DNA her passion for food. “Dals have been my favourite since I was a child,” says Raageshwari.


She adds, “I love all kinds of vegetables in my meal especially green vegetables. I love the chicken curry that my mum makes and I also enjoy having fish fry in my meal. I include curd and pickles in my meal as well. And I occasionally also like to have pasta.”  Raageshwari is a very good cook and is in the process of writing a cookbook. “Cooking for me is an emotional experience. My mother used to work when I was very small so I made my first dish when I was ten or eleven years old,” recalls Raageshwari. What was the dish that she first made?

“The first dish I made was sambar. I put excess of turmeric powder in it but that did not discourage me, it did not stop me from cooking. I kept trying and made it over and over again,” she informs. What is Raageshwari’s favourite dessert? “I love spicy food. Desserts don’t excite me much. I don’t really have a sweet tooth but I love jalebis, they are nice and colourful.”Raageshwari tells us about her three favourite restaurants. She says, “Firstly, I love Leopold Cafe. I can sit there all alone and watch Mumbai go by. I love chilly chicken in Leopold with excess chilies.” She also adds, “I like Oh Calcutta. I love it for its wonderful Bengali food. Bhapa Ilish is my favourite there. Thirdly, I enjoy eating in Gazalee. Prawn pickle is one dish I love there.”