It’s that time of the year again, a time when the swirling of rich, ethnic skirts and twirling of pretty dandiya sticks will hold Mumbai in its nine-day spin. Dandiya magic is certainly in the air and if you haven’t lost that weight you’ve been planning to already, it’s time you did to slip into those slim chaniya cholis and halters. Actor Hansika Motwani who loves Navratri and has made sure she looks fit and fabulous to carry out her outfits, shares her stay-slim mantra, “I think one should have a well-toned body to carry off the chaniya cholis well. If I have to give a diet tip to follow it could be healthy eating. This is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. My mantra would be ‘eat healthy but please don’t starve yourself, going on fancy diets. Eat right, workout well and sleep well. You can’t go wrong with this’,” she says.Foods to have:Vegetable juice which is made out of bottle gourd (lauki), tomato, apple and a little bit of ginger for Vitamins A, B and C. Fruits like apples. They are rich in pectin and effective in lowering cholesterol levels.


Almonds and raisins are good options as they boost mineral consumption.

Water. It helps detoxify the system and stay hydrated.

People who want to lose weight during this fasting period should choose to have foods such as salads, pumpkin raita, Navratra rice (samak ke chawal), phul makhane (puffed lotus seeds).

Diabetics who need to follow Navratras should be careful. One may eat some food every few hours so that the blood glucose levels do not rise up too fast. One may have a few dry fruits in between.What to avoid:Instead of puri or pakodas made from kuttu atta (buckwheat flour), try out kuttu ki roti. You can also make idli from this atta and dosa from samak rice.

Ghee. Use olive or refined oil instead.

Persons with diabetes must avoid the intake of sago (sabudana), singhada atta (water chestnut flour), potatoes, arbi etc. Also avoid fried foods and fruits like banana and chikoo.

Avoid fried foods. Use healthy cooking methods like boiling, steaming and grilling.

Avoid eating late at night, especially food with chillies in it.

Also avoid keeping an empty stomach for long hours as it may cause acidity and heartburn. Cold milk, curd and bananas are effective antidotes.

In case of cramps or colic (acute abdominal pain), put few drops of peppermint oil in water and drink it.