Aayush Rana and Narendra Dagar are just 23 years old but, their age has put no restriction on their will to succeed. The two have achieved so much in a matter of a few years that there is no more looking back.


Aayush Rana hails from Ludhiana, Punjab, while Narendra  Dagar is from Faridabad, Haryana. The two have had their successful solo careers, but now, they are looking to join hands with each other as their latest project comes near.

Aayush Rana is the man behind various entertainment and technology news sites like FoxExclusive, Today in Bermuda, to list a few. Aayush Rana is also the founder of 'KR Media', and soon, he will be taking KR Media Global with their office opening in Ontario, Canada.

Aayush Rana and Narendra Dagar have gained a lot of attention in India's Digital Marketing scene and have worked with various brands, creating digital strategies for them. Aayush specializes in creating launch strategies for new brands and helps them in creating a positive awareness regarding them. Narendra is more on the technical side of things, executing the plains laid out by his partners. Nevertheless, both have been quite popular.

How Aayush Rana and Narendra Dagar Began Their Journey:

Aayush Rana completed his B.Tech in CSE From from Lovely Professional University and graduated in 2019. He had a keen interest in programming since childhood. By the time he reached class 11th, he had already built many websites. Such interest in the world of programming made him more capable and thirsty for knowledge. He also has a network of over 20 million audiences on various social networks.

When Narendra Dagar was just 18 years old, he started making seven figures. Since the tender, young age of 15, Narendra Dagar has been earning to support this family. He is just 12th pass and is now a very successful marketer.

The next step in Aayush Rana and Narendra Dagar's minds is to start their e-commerce store, "FirstBox", a B2B Platform and which plans to empower buyers from smaller towns. They plan not to have any markups on the product and have a membership-based business model, another plus point for buyers with low purchasing power.

They did not reveal the exact date for its launch, but it's expected to launch by the fourth quarter of 2021.

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