Dry skin comes with its share of problems — the discomfort the dry feeling causes, the skin's tendency to flake easily and the money spent on moisturisers. Combining ingredients from your kitchen, you can ease dry skin with more natural masks than those bought at the store.


Egg on your faceWhisk the yolk of an egg with honey and a touch of olive oil. Leave it on your skin for 15 minutes and then wash it off. This is an excellent pack to nourish dry skin. Instead of getting rid of the egg whites, mix it in with oatmeal to create another soothing mask.

Go bananasMash a bit of ripe banana into a bowl. Mix in yoghurt and two teaspoons of honey.This mask is ideal for dry skin. The yoghurt cools down the skin and the honey helps lock in moisture leaving you feeling refreshed.For a twist to this mask, you can replace the yoghurt with oatmeal and water.

Mayo MagicThrow in two teaspoons of wheat flour, four teaspoons of gram flour and four teaspoons of honey into a blender. Top that of with a tablespoon of mayonnaise and blend. Apply it on to your face for around twenty minutes and then rinse.You could also save the effort of blending these ingredients and instead mix in half a teaspoon of baby oil into the mayonnaise.

Try these masks and let us know what you think.(Inputs from Dr Apratim Goel, dermatologist, Goel's Cutis Skin Studio)