There is a variety of rejuvenating skin care procedures that can help you improve your skin's appearance and health. Skin icing, which involves laying ice on your skin to gain the effects of a cooling agent, is one of the simpler yet more effective ways. Ice therapy performed at regular intervals can improve your skin and face in a variety of ways. If you're wondering how often you should use this procedure on your face, try once every two days or once every day.


Facial icing is pretty self-explanatory: it's the application of ice to your face. Low temperatures cause blood to ascend beneath the skin's surface, which provides a range of health benefits. It's simple to get the benefits of basic ice facials at home, even though they can be done at a spa or an aesthetician's office.

You can apply ice to your face in a variety of ways, the most common of which is to wrap 4-5 ice cubes in a soft cloth or handkerchief. Roll the ends of the towel to keep the ice cubes secure before applying to your face. Move the covered ice in circular motions over the regions of your skin that you want to treat with this therapy. This therapy is also effective on the lips, jaw line, chin, and nose, in addition to the cheeks and forehead.

-The cold aids in the drainage of excess fluids from the lymphatic system, reducing facial puffiness.

-The same lymphatic drainage that reduces general puffiness might also help to minimise puffiness under the eyes.

- Icing your face constricts blood vessels, reducing the appearance of pores and wrinkles and making you appear lighter, brighter, and more radiant overall.Note: It's best to just ice your face in moderation, as anything in excess is bad. Avoid using ice if it causes you to have an unusual sensation.