It’s amazing how particular and specific some food dating sites have become. Finding a match over a salad may sound odd, but it’s actually very plausible. Don’t believe us, well take a look at some  dating sites that actually promise to find potential partners a match over food specifics.



It’s the new kid on the block,  and  may have started as an April Fools’ joke from online dating site Zoosk, but Burrit-OH! might actually last. Purporting to match you with your “burrito soulmate,” the site prompts you to design your ideal burrito then searches for compatible burrito-lovers in your area. Get ready to hear lover stories that begin with the couples fascination for sour cream, lots of chicken or veggies, rice and more sandwiched between good ol’ bread.

Salad match

Yeah! You got that right, if you love greens and a bowl of salad is your go-to meal. Salad match promises to take your love for salads to the next level by finding you a match that shares your love for leafy greens and light meals.

Hot sauce passions

How do you spice up an otherwise boring, bland date? Well simple you choose to date someone who loves a lot of spice. It doesn’t get better than this as you aim to find a hot partner who loves hot sauce and chili pepper, and can never get enough of the hot stuff.

Veggie Date

Idea for vegetarians, vegans, lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians, pescatarians, semi-vegetarians, etc.  This dating site connects veg lovers with one another for a lifetime of salads minus the meat and bacon.

Gluten free singles

And while we are talking about being specifics, who can forget gluten-free lovers. Yes, there’s a dating site for you. Rice guzzlers, pasta and pizza lovers, bread hoggers be warned. This site is not for you!

Same Plate

If you begin a meal by click food pictures for your Instagram account, you are clearly obsessed  with all things food. Same Plate takes that obsession seriously and is aimed at foodies looking to talk grub and maybe even “share a meal, and a date while they are at it. So if food porn is your thing, and you don’t mind spending an entire day talking about food, this site maybe just for you. After all a little romance along the way would not hurt anyone.So much that it becomes a dealbreaker and can actually limit your chances of finding that perfect match if you don’t share their love for a particular food.