So just like a body massage or hot oil massage helps in blood circulation and that, in turn, strengthens your roots it also cures a variety of problems like hair fall premature greying and even dandruff. 


Our mothers and grandmothers always force us to apply oil. Many of us ignore it but oiling hair is very important. Hair oiling has been a part of Ayurvedic practice for centuries and today. Gently massaging the hair with oil adds moisture, and shine to the hair and has several other benefits.

Here are the benefits of oiling hair.

  • Oiling ensures the hair is not dry and prevents hair fall. If you have dry and frizzy hair, oiling the hair thrice a week can help keep frizziness at bay by strengthening the hair. Curly hair needs frequent oiling while oily hair should not be oiled that frequently. It also makes your hair look shiny and thick.
  • Coconut, olive, sesame, almond, argan, bhringraj and amla are a few commonly used hair care oils that help address basic hair issues like hair fall, dandruff, frizziness, greying etc. In India, coconut and almond oil are the most preferred ones.
  • According to Ayurveda, a person must oil their hair every day to keep them healthy. But while it may not be possible, oil your hair at least twice a week for benefits. For best results, massage the head with oil and leave it on overnight and then you can wash it. If you can't leave it overnight, apply the oil and wrap a lukewarm towel over your hair to extract nutrition and then wash it off. So, when your mother or grandmother offers to apply oil on your head, don't say. Enjoy the massage and then you will get beautiful hair!