Do you enjoy coffee a lot? You can possibly be among those who start their day with a steaming hot cup of coffee. It appears that the search engine giant is celebrating the wonderful Flat White beverage. However, what is a Flat White exactly, and why is it deserving of special mention? Let's explore this creamy coffee mixture in greater detail.


The flat white, a popular espresso-based beverage that is believed to have first originated in Australia and New Zealand, is the subject of a Google Doodle on March 11. This animated Doodle can be seen in many different nations, including India. 

The Oxford English Dictionary added the word 'flat white' to its list of definitions on March 11, 2011. The popular coffee beverage known as a 'flat white,' which consists of steamed milk poured over an espresso shot, is thought to have originated in Australia or New Zealand. It's thought that in the 1980s, the drink made its debut on menus in Sydney and Auckland. 

Traditionally served in a ceramic cup, a flat white consists of an espresso shot topped with steamed milk and a thin layer of micro-foam. 

Because flat whites are "flatter" than cappuccinos or lattes, they are popular among coffee connoisseurs who prefer their drinks to have less foam. Customers are frequently persuaded to order drinks at cafes all throughout Australia and New Zealand by baristas who display their artistic talents and produce visually beautiful drinks.

Both the culture surrounding coffee and the methods for making flat whites have evolved significantly over time. In the past, whole milk was used to make flat whites, but these days, it's typical to see Australians and New Zealanders ordering it with plant-based milk, such as oat milk.

Since its widespread distribution around the globe, the flat white is growing in favour and becoming a favourite. It has become a staple in many countries and has come to delight many. 'No matter the origins, coffee lovers worldwide agree it's a favourite morning or arvo (afternoon) pick-me-up,' reads the description of Google Doodle.