Dr L Subramaniam, who has been organising the Lakshminarayana Global Music Festival in memory of his father and guru V Lakshminarayana for the last 17 years, will perform  with saxophone player Ernie Watts and blues harmonica player Corkey Siegel. This year, Subramaniam also kicks off the Beyond Borders initiative with NCPA which will be a three-year collaboration to bring artistes from a variety of genres from rock and jazz to Indian classical music on the same stage.The festival has been held in India, US and Germany in conjunction with the Berlin Festival, Norway and Sri Lanka and has featured musicians from countries like Baluchistan, China, Cuba, Denmark, UK, USA and other countries.Wife Kavita Krishnamurthy Subramaniam will also do a one-of- a-kind performance on a song called Lullaby where the Siegel’s harmonica will be the crying child and Kavita’s vocals will be the mother. “I have basically been a Bollywood singer so it is a great challenge for me to perform live with artistes like Watts, Siegel and my husband who will improvise on the spot. Their instruments have become an extension of themselves because they have mastered it,” says Krishnamurthy.Their daughter will also be performing two songs written by her, one of which is called When It Is Dark. “My son is also playing on a couple of songs,” says Dr Subramaniam.He has been a pioneer of fusion music since the 70s when it was still frowned upon to veer away from pure classical forms. He has always tried to improvise and experiment with various artistes and genres through his concerts. He has, in fact, played with Watts and Siegel in his last album which was also titled Beyond Borders. “It’s about creating new combinations using Kavita’s Indian voice with the blues harmonica or my carnatic classical violin with jazz rhythms,” says Dr Subramaniam.Catch this fusion music concert at the Jamshed Bhabha Theatre on January 7, at 7 pm.