Innovation and technology when clubbed together, can really lead to some mind-boggling results. Add a bit of creativity to it and we have some overwhelmingly unusual innovations. Each day, companies across the globe are coming up with newer and out-of-the-box products, which makes us wonder whether these things really exist. Here are few of the most popular ones that caught our attention.


Con smart condom ring

If you are on the lookout for a gadget that helps you monitor how good you are at sex, you are in for a treat. Con Smart condom ring tracks sexual performance, monitors calories burnt during sexual intercourse, total number of thrusts, different positions used, average skin temperature and much more. It also has a micro-USB charging port that can be paired with any device via Bluetooth.

The Barisieur

The Barisieur is an alarm clock with a coffee maker, which wakes people to the sound of bubbling hot water and the aroma of brewing coffee. Once the alarm sets off, it boils water in a stainless steel base at 94 degrees. It has a chilled milk storage to keep the liquid cool and a sealed divider tray to store sugar and other condiments. This alarm clock has put the others to shame.

Samsung-funded smart belt

Meet Welt, a belt that shames you if you grow fat! A Samsung product that moves the fitness tracker from the wrist to the waist, this product analyses your waistline, eating habits, physical movement, sitting time, calories burnt and more. When you wear the belt, its magnetic sensors detect the waist size and tracks changes over time.

The quip

This electric toothbrush has created quite a buzz in the world. Unlike other complicated devices, this electric toothbrush has a simple design with a primary feature to vibrate every two minutes so as to remind the user to switch from the area of the mouth that is being brushed. Quip even provides replacement brush head to you every three months! The idea seems exciting and experimental, and its popularity has been increasing.