Fruits are a great gift from Mother Nature, full of natural sugars and necessary nutrients that provide multiple benefits for improved physical and mental well-being, as well as improved skin and hair health.


It is normal practice to discard the outer peel of any fruit and consume just the centre, matured, delicious content. But did you know that fruit peels contain a wealth of skin-beneficial compounds?

Yes, the rough exterior peels of various fruits including papayas, mangoes, bananas, lemons, oranges, watermelons, apples, pears, or chikoos contain significant amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, plant-based acids, and enzymes. These revitalising ingredients work together to improve the skin's tone and texture.1. Banana Peel

Banana moisturises the skin and prevents it from drying out. If producing a mushy banana paste is too much bother, use the peel for a quick and easy skincare solution. After washing your face, massage it with a fresh banana peel for a few minutes. To reveal moisturised and nourished skin, wash it off with a moderate face cleanser. In the winter, it also relieves inflammation, itching, and irritation.2. Papaya PeelPapaya peel contains an enzyme called papain, which has the potential to repair skin cells and revitalise skin, making it a lifesaver for dull and ageing skin. It brightens the complexion and gives the skin a youthful, strong appearance. Blend the peel of an unripe papaya with a little yoghurt and honey to make a paste.3. Orange PeelYou might not realise it, but citrus fruits like orange and lemon can completely transform your skincare routine if you have oily or acne-prone skin. These fruits' peels are no different. To make a powdered texture, simply dry the peels and ground them. To make your own DIY scrub, combine it with lime juice and rose water. To keep oil and acne at bay, exfoliate using this paste.