Whether a part of the beauty industry or not, all women at some point feel the pressure to look good. Even more so as one ages, the desire to keep looking slim and pretty makes many women turn to cosmetic treatments like Botox and fillers or even minor surgery. What if one could be free from the pressures of looking good all the time?Alesia Raut, modelFrom day one, I've never pressurised myself and always allowed my wrinkles to show. I've been into fitness since childhood, it's something my mother always stressed about so for me being fit is a part of my lifestyle and I'm blessed with good genes. I do know that modelling as a career has a short span but I've been doing it for the past 14 years and when the time comes I will exit gracefully. I think it's important to flaunt your age with grace. I don't promote cosmetic treatments and have never advised it to anyone either. I think one should never mess with God's gifted body.Shonali Nagrani, model and TV hostFrom the time we are born there's peer pressure to look and act a certain way so it's hard to imagine freedom from it. In our industry, appearance is the selling point and to a large extent our occupation demands it. I like looking good, However, I'm someone if I'm not feeling good I won't go out. I don't feel caged or burdened by this pressure to look good. Ideally speaking if there was no concept like vanity it would be great. Not to be judged by our looks would be ideal. Going under the knife for me is a no no. I think as long as you're secure with yourself you don't need to resort to extreme measures.Shamita Singha, former model and wine connoisseurI broke away from the shackles of the pressures of the beauty industry a while ago and came into my own. After a point I got so comfortable with my dressing and the way I look that I didn't really care what people thought. I think the older you get, the more confident you are about yourself. I have anyway never been over the top and always preferred simple and classic styles when it came to my clothing or hair and make-up. I like the way I look and think that is important. I'm absolutely against cosmetic treatments and going under the knife as I'm scared of something going wrong. I'd rather grow old gracefully.