Now that FIFA season is well and truly over, we can all resume whatever it is we were intent on doing before we got so caught up in The Game.


Reluctantly, I am told, for post-FIFA blues are very much a reality in the city: which other game (save rugby) has so much glamour, an adrenalin-charged atmosphere and such fervent world wide attention?!

And for Mumbai society, football offered some excitement to tide over the minimal nights-out courtesy the monsoons (yep, even for the women).

Not to mention the instant celebrity-hood of octopus Paul the ‘intuitive invertebrate’ who mesmerised the globe over this season, with his spot-on foresight in choosing each winning team.

If one sentence were to sum up the general mood of Mumbai society at present, it would be ‘It’s too bad FIFA has ended’!

But moving on from the gloom, there’s always excitement for lovers of sport, especially those interested in what’s happening on home turf — in a couple of months Delhi will host the Commonwealth Games.

Meanwhile, the capital’s offering solace for fashionistas wanting to tide over post-FIFA blues  — it’s also hosting a couture week this month.

The social season might just be spurred into real action from then on  — Do we anticipate some smiles breaking through all that sullenness?

And whilst on the topic of how to beat blues, any blues, there’s news of a group of happiness ambassadors, travelling around the world trying to spread good cheer.

The initiative of a soft drink company, this rather unique campaign has actually tapped into a very simple principle that underlines the basics: Family + Food = Happiness.

In fact, as per the report on the survey, most people were happiest when given family time (especially at the end of a work day).

I, for one, could vouch for this absolutely — my toddler celebrated her fourth birthday this week, and whilst she was smiling at her good fortune in receiving all those presents, it is perhaps I who felt most overwhelmed at being given the gift of her.