In a culturally rich country like India, religious festivals have immense significance and involve getting up early in the morning, wearing new clothes, preparing various delicacies and much more. That’s how a festival day usually begins.


“On a festival day, people follow traditional customs and make sure they do not commit a mistake,” said Ratansingh Ratan, Head Granthi of Gurudwara Gobinddham in Ahmedabad. Explaining that it is festivals which have kept spirituality alive he said, “Be it Janmashtami, Dusshera, Diwali or any other festival, they help inculcate good thoughts among the people.”

Managing busy lives, most people find it difficult to spend quality time with their children. “Finding spare time for children and discussing with them and teaching them good habits is a must. A person is characterised by his behaviour which needs to be shaped from childhood. And, festivals have a big role to play as they usually pass a message of peace and harmony,” he said.

Most people want their children to excel in studies. “But they fail to understand that along with education, good conduct is equally important for success. Good conduct also brings respect,” he added.

In a country like India, varied religions follow a host of customs. “Having faith in your religion is necessary. Money will come and go but good conduct will always be remembered. It is very important to see that money does not affect your good behaviour,” he said.

“People should follow the path of peace and prosperity. Showing the way to the coming generation, elders should avoid violence of any kind,” he added.