All of us often wonder why the gates of toilets we use in malls, cinema halls, and offices are cut from below. While there may seem to be many answers to this question, we never figure the actual reason. 


There are many benefits of keeping the gate of toilets smaller and the reasons are listed below:

Easy to clean: When the toilet doors are very close to the ground, it is rather difficult to clean them and there will also be continuous damage to the gate due to water and moisture. Thus the gates are kept smaller.

For emergency purposes: If a person is using the toilet, and something happens to him/her/they, the small gates can be useful to rescue them. Smaller gates also can prevent suffocation, as they ensure the continuous flow of air from below. 

Privacy: While with full gates, one can never figure out if there is a person inside, smaller gates show the legs of the person using the toilet, increasing apprehension and others can avoid knocking on the gate.

Prevents smoking: In completely closed doors, it becomes to difficult for others to guess who is smoking in public restrooms. However, this is not an issue when gates are smaller, as smoke will come out immediately, for fear of which one will avoid smoking in the public restroom.

Outside contact: In this type of toilet, people can easily exchange small items like toilet paper, mobile phones, newspapers without opening the gate, which can be useful.