Every year, new diets emerge as the trendy thing to do in the sphere of wellness. Some come and fizzle out in no time, while others spark a trend. Some get a thumbs up from health experts and some don’t. We did a round up of the various eating patterns that got people talking and found followers in 2018...



​The Portfolio Diet recommends eating 45 grams nuts daily

Researchers at University of Toronto, Canada, stated that besides reducing LDL (or bad) cholesterol by about 30 per cent when combined with a low-saturated fat diet, the Portfolio Diet limited other factors for an estimated 13 per cent reduction in the overall risk for coronary heart disease. This plant-based way of eating is said to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease including blood pressure, triglycerides and inflammation. 

The diet has four main components and is based on a 2,000 calorie diet: 45 grams of nuts; 50 grams of plant protein such as soy, or pulses like beans and peas; 20 grams of viscous soluble fibre from oats, eggplant, apples, etc.; 2 grams of plant sterols (natural compounds with cholesterol-lowering properties naturally found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals).


Dr Terry Dubrow and wife Heather

The Dubrow Diet was created by American plastic surgeon and TV personality, Dr Terry Dubrow and his wife, Heather. They claim it activates anti-ageing cellular reactions due to a process called autophagy, where cells ‘remodel themselves’, as a result of which they look and feel better.  

The Dubrow Diet focusses on lean proteins, healthy fats and vegetables. It combines the 16:8 principle (fasting for 16 hours a day and eating within an eight-hour window) of Intermittent Fasting along with the Ketogenic Diet — albeit with a tweak, instead of eliminating carbs, one has to go low-carb. According to the Dubrows, the long-term effects of this process are akin to plastic surgery as it gives the body a complexion that’s youthful and lean. Heather hailed it as a “lifestyle plan that will get you to your goal weight really quickly”, also it will “give you more energy” and “make your skin tighter and your hair grow.”


Kelly Clarkson follows The Plant Paradox Diet

Kelly Clarkson, the first winner of the American Idol (2002), who once had a fuller figure, shed 37 pounds this year. After reading the book, The Plant Paradox by Dr Steven Gundry, the 36-year-old singer decided to go on the lectin-free diet. It has a comprehensive list of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ foods. 

According to Dr Gundry, going lectin-free is beneficial for health. Lectin is a protein that is found in most foods. However, pulses, legumes, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, in particular, contain high amounts. Plants produce lectins as a defence against attack from insects and animals. According to him, consuming lectins disrupts the gastrointestinal tract and allows bacteria to enter the immune system thereby causing a leaky gut syndrome, inflammation and weight gain.


The Ketogenic Diet

Though the Ketogenic Diet has been a rage for the last few years, in 2018 it continued to soar in popularity, with not just celebs but more so with the common folk. The online arena is filled with testimonies of people who went on the diet and swear by it. Orginally, the Keto Diet was created for epilepsy patients but now people are using its  for weight loss. This diet is designed to get your body into a state called ketosis whereby your body is so low on carbohydrates it starts burning fat for fuel. It involves 60-75 per cent of calories from fat; 15-30 per cent of calories from protein; 5-10 per cent of calories from carbs.


Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is an eating style where you eat within a specific time period, and fast the rest of the time. Though it is an effective way to lose weight, it’s less a diet and more a lifestyle choice. It’s touted benefits include lowering insulin levels, regulating blood sugar levels, boosting brain power, etc. There are multiple ways to do it: 


  • Here, one has to restrict his/her daily eating to a eight-hour window, thereby fasting for 16 hours. One can have water during the 16-hour fasting period. Women can fast for 14-15 hours.


  • This method involves eating normally for five days a week, and on the two non-consecutive fasting days, restrict your calorie intake to around 500.


  • Here, one has to fast for 24 hours, once or twice a week. Eating is not allowed but one can consume calorie-free beverages.


  • There are variations to this type of fasting. Fasting every alternate day seems extreme, so some people restrict their calorie-intake to around 500 a day.