It’s the ultimate guilty pleasure. A dark bar of chocolate can bring a smile to anyone’s face, from a young child to a diabetic grandparent with a sweet tooth.


Chocolate lover Ruchi Chopra, 26, understands the effect chocolate can have on people, especially when it comes as a surprise. The founder of the website, Any Surprise Any Place (ASAP), she started a Chocolate Club to give others a chance to indulge in their passion.

“Chocolates can be gifted to anyone for no reason. If it’s not a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary, just gifting a chocolate can make it special,” Chopra says.

The club has one chocolaty twist, it does not have members who meet and talk about chocolates but instead provides members an option to gift themselves or their friends a chocolate experience.

The monthly subscriptions ensure that every week, members or gifted recipients will receive a new box of chocolates, specially designed and customised.

“The more unexpected a gift, the better it is,” says Divyani Saran, who wanted a get-well gift for her husband. Since both are die-hard chocolate fans, Saran decided to gift him a chocolate surprise.

“The boxes would come with small notes about good health, having fun, smiles and enjoying the small things in life,” says Saran, who feels her gift made a big difference to her husband’s recovery.

The club which started a few weeks back already has 98 members from all over the country, with 32 from Mumbai itself.

There are three packages: Indian chocolate, Belgian and single origin chocolates.

Recipients are also treated to complimentary brownies, cupcakes and cookies and small messages: either personalised or general ones on chocolate facts or the history of chocolate.

Most members are using the service to gift chocolates to loved ones and friends.

Puneet Makkad, 25, says the club gave him the perfect idea for his father’s birthday. Makkad sent a personal ‘My daddy strongest’ message and a poem on fathers along with the chocolates.

For more information email at chocolateclub