They’re the latest buzzwords in cleansing products. Though they look like regular soaps, Cleansing bars, contain special ingredients that don’t just clean but moisturise the skin and even help with issues such as hyperpigmentation and ageing. Does this mean they are better for the skin than regular face washes?  


Bars could cause breakouts

There is a lot of debate regarding which is better says Dr Shefali Trasi, dermatologist. “Cleansing bars are less expensive and have more lather. But they are more alkaline compared to face washes. Our skin pH is 5.5 so it’s better to use a product which is around the same as the skin pH. If the cleansing bars are alkaline then there are chances that the organisms might grow on the skin leading to acne breakouts. Also, there are high chances that it might dry the skin excessively. One should choose a product, depending on one’s skin type. If the skin is oily go for a salicylic acid/glycolic acid face wash. If the skin is sensitive, use a moisturising face wash or one which does not foam much,” explains Dr Trasi.

Contains active ingredients  

Dr Apratim Goel, dermatologist, Cutis Skin studio says the purpose of a cleanser is to emulsify oil, residue, and microorganisms on the skin’s surface so that they can be easily eliminated. “No matter whether a cleanser is constructed as a solid bar or formulated as a liquid, all cleansers are essentially surface-active substances that lower the surface tension of skin and remove dirt, grime, sebum, bacteria, and exfoliated cells in an emulsified form. If we talk of soap they are typically alkaline and harsh on the skin. However, the new beauty bars constructed mainly with more active ingredients are far more superior as well as cosmetically appealing. These beauty bars contain undiluted active ingredients that offer cosmetic benefits (clarifying, hydrating, balancing) beyond clearing the skin of bacteria. Whereas traditional bar soap strips the skin of its natural oils, dermatological cleansing bars can have the opposite effects, preventing instead of causing breakouts and premature ageing. This is a happy medium between soap bars and liquid cleansers that is non-alkaline and non-drying,” she adds.

Should be gentle 

Dr K E Mukadam, dermatologist and laser surgeon, Lasercure says,  “Nowadays many bars are better formulated and gentler than face washes. Choose a product that removes