As has been the norm over the years, Navratri this year too, is all set to add charm to  Ahmedabad's night life. Amdavadis are gearing up for the nine nights of garba slated to begin on October 8.


The organisers in the city are expecting business of more than Rs400 crore. This includes dance classes, traditional clothes, buying accessories along with the organisers tightening their belts for the venue by upgrading security measures, orchestra, sponsorships and others.

As the preparations for garba are going on in full swing, various business opportunities are emerging.  People belonging to varied age groups enjoy this festival to the fullest extent. Small societies are also organising garba and contributing to business in Navratri.

Calculating the worth of business done by the organised and unorganised players in the market who cater to the various demands right from organising to teaching garba to wardrobe selection and many others has become exceedingly difficult.

Managing director of SOI Event Management, Himanshu Shah said, "Gujarat is estimated to do a business of around Rs1500 crore this Navratri with Ahmedabad alone contributing to more than 25% of the total business."

Also, the charm of sheri garba, the oldest and the most popular form of garba, seems to be back this year. The sealing of party plots is one of the major reasons behind the revival of sheri garba.

The time limit which prevails when garba is held in a party plot does not remain when garbas are held in smaller localities or society or in the old city area which is famous for sheri garba.

The sealing of party plots has put up the organisers in a tizzy with respect to the venue. Where organising garba in the posh areas of the city is still an issue with the organisers, the old city areas still celebrates the festival in the purest form, untouched by the commercialisation. Just getting dressed up in the traditional clothes without the need to buy expensive passes, festivity in originality is still maintained in the old city areas.

The worrying factor remains for the big garba organisers with the main issue being that of venues getting sealed. "Consequently, clubs and farmhouses are emerging as the new venues for garba in the city," said Jigish Shah, CEO at Sanket Advertising.

Sponsorship is another major concern for big organisers. As in every year, telecom and FMCG companies remain the largest sponsors. Shah said, "We expect a 10% to 15% growth in advertising by sponsors this year." Another organiser Meghal Shah, director of Mit Megh feels, "The profit margins have decreased with the scale to be organised remaining the same with a decrease seen in sponsorship over time."

Another attraction during the garba is that of celebrities. Venues having known celebrity faces create more gaga in the town. With the celebrities demanding more money, most organisers in the city have started to opt for small screen star cast. Organisers feel that apart from being affordable, the general public is able to relate to these stars more easily and thereby attract more people.