Denims are that one fashion necessity that’s part of everyone’s wardrobe. From sloppy Janes to fashion victims, everyone’s got one and then some more.


But the ubiquitous denims are getting a glam makeover this season with the regulation indigo being shoved out by splashes of bright colours. Think orange, red, purple, yellow and more.

Though the trend took some time to catch on, with celebrities like Fergie, Kim Kardashian, Jada-Pinkett Smith, Victoria Beckham and the rest of the who’s who on the A-list putting their weight behind it, coloured denims are the latest “It” fashion essential.

“This new style is simply awesome, just breaking away from the monotonous blue. I think colours like purple, blue and red look very nice,” says Nisar, a model. However, men seem to be a bit left behind on this particular trend. As actor Kiran Srinivas says, “I haven’t come across that many for guys yet.” Neither have we.

So what are the dos and don’ts when it comes to carrying off a pair of coloured denim with aplomb?

The first rule of fashion holds strong here. Go with contrasts to keep things from going over the top. Solid, yet light colours do the trick when it comes to the right top. White, light pink and grey work really well; though feel free to experiment with other pastel hues.

And the colour code this season? Well, that depends a bit on age, gender and body type. While men don’t really come out on top with colours like red, green or yellow, youngsters can get away with eye-popping candy colours in almost any hue. And for the older clotheshorses, twists on classic blue, black and grey work a charm.

A trim, well fitting pair of coloured denims give you a slim silhouette. Colours like purple, red and blue give a colourful twist on the everyday attire. The classic white, sleek and dangerous, looks pretty if you’ve worked off the extra kilos before donning them though. But with the right kind of accessories, it also adds a formal tone.

Now you do have to keep in mind the body type you have before you pull a pair off the nearest rack. “Coloured jeans look very fashionable; but one has to have a good body to wear these kinds of pants,” says designer Ramesh Dembla. “For women, I think colours like orange and yellow look very appealing,” he adds. And the cut is just as important. Steer clear of loose fits and pick up a skinny pair or a straight cut for that trim silhouette.

Colourful and stylish, these are just what the doctor ordered for that extra dose of confidence. So go ahead and get your own pair. Or for that matter, one in every shade you fancy. You will make heads turn in appreciation, we guarantee.