For 18-year-old, Aarti Khanna, a college student from Delhi, food comprises assortment of chips, samosas, and desserts. "My mother isn't very happy when I reach for junk food at home, but I can't always resist the temptation," she says.


According to a study carried out last year by the Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, the fast-food industry in India is expanding at a rate of 40% each year. Stalls, hawkers, small Chinese joints, shawarmas and vada-pav stalls mushroom near college campuses. "I have a sweet tooth and love eating donuts and pastries, passing it off as my cheat days," mentions Meghna Vasudeva, a college student from Hyderabad. Her friends too are foodies who frequently visit fast food joints in their area. Let's not forget the pizza lovers such as Anmol Gupta, an 18-year-old teenager from Delhi, who talks about the fun facts of eating junk: "I am a pizza lover who wishes to eat healthily. However, eating a packet of chips on the go, for around 4-5 times a week is okay, a fun-fact is that junk is readily available and accessible" Nutritionist, Dr. Asmita Sawe who practices at the Wellness Clinic in Mumbai, believes that fruits and sprouts can be consumed instead of junk food: "Junk food is low in nutrient value and causes obesity and hormonal imbalance. Teenagers should have green tea and follow a balanced diet if they want to be healthy."

Mahima Khot, an 18year old college going girl from Mumbai recalls the difficulties of eating junk: "I eat at least one junk meal a day, accompanied by a lot of other street food. My parents don't say much as they know that it gets difficult to give me a lunch box every day. I feel guilty because I am gaining weight, but am certain that the habit won't leave easily."

Dr. Anshuman also a nutritionist, practising at the Axis Hospital in Mumbai stresses on eating healthy as being a decision rather than a feeling, he says, "The only solution to battling junk is a conscious effort to change one's eating preferences. Small steps such as eating home-cooked food by including proteins, carbohydrates, and pulses in one's diet are imperative."

Today the situation of teenagers who live away from their homes is a little more complex, Meghna expresses her discontent with the food provided at her hotel: "Since I live in a hostel, the food provided isn't the best. Junk food gives me the break I need and it is a fact that junk is more convenient to consume."

The majority of teenagers who I spoke with were aware of the health concerns related to eating junk. They either expressed the lack of time, drive, or the resources to adopt a healthy lifestyle. However there are students like Aarti who make an effort: "I am aware that there is no good outcome of eating junk, but there is savoury satisfaction which makes the food addictive. To compensate, I eat a bowl of salad and drink green tea."

5 Tips To Detox

Drink 3liters of water every dayReplace junk with sproutsStock up on Eggs, Meat, LegumesEat plenty of VegetablesHave 3small cups ofgreen tea a day