Come winter, it’s time to stock up on some super fruits. Berries with their antioxidant quality help prevent anything from cancer to tooth decay and even help those suffering from depression. If you have a sweet tooth, don’t get allured by that choco-chip cookie; how about popping some berries instead? DNA recommends five super berries with some great health benefits...


Age-busterGoji berriesThe goji berry is an anti-ageing berry native to China and has been in use for over 6,000 years. This berry is red, shrivelled up and has a mild sweet and sour taste. 

Berry cool because: The goji berry is a rich source of those vitamins and minerals known to improve blood circulation, reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Like most berries, goji works as an antioxidant, particularly because of the presence of carotenoids which help protect the retina of the eye and improve eyesight. Polysaccharides, a common source of energy within the body, works with the goji berry to activate the pituitary gland that releases the Human Growth Hormone. This is the main hormone that controls and reverses the effects of ageing. It keeps the body young and fit and also enhances fertility among men. You can find goji berries at all Brown Tree stores in the city.

Fat-busterStrawberriesStrawberries are by far the most popular berries in the markets. Rich in vitamins and minerals, very low on calories, this tangy, red berry is anti-cancer, anti-ageing and even helps whiten teeth.

Berry cool because: The high antioxidant levels neutralise the free radicals or the unstable ions in the body responsible for ageing. It helps keep the common cold at bay. Strawberries are also virtually fat free. For every 100 grams you consume, your fat intake is only 0.6 grams and calorie intake is only 37. It also stimulates metabolism, helping your weight reduction hormones function well. Vitamin C and folate found in strawberries help fight the onset of different types of cancer. Potassium, Vitamin K and manganese work on keeping bones healthy.

Skin-expertAmla or the Indian gooseberryThe properties of amla have been legendary of sorts and have been known to Indians for centuries. This tiny berry has some of the best rejuvenating qualities of all fruits.

Berry cool because: Minerals like iron are not easily absorbed by the body. Amla increases food absorption, giving you the most out of the food you eat. Regular intake of amla strengthens both the digestive system and immunity. Constant exercise and amla in the diet increases metabolism and aids weight loss. The most known quality of amla however is its ability to oust toxins from the body, purifying blood. Taken in combination with neem, it is the most effective remedy for pimples.

Bacteria-busterCranberriesThe health benefits of cranberries are lesser known when compared to other berries. The most noteworthy benefit of this flavourful berry is its bacteria fighting ability.

Berry cool because: Rich in phytochemicals, consumption of cranberries help prevent and treat urinary tract infections, caused mainly by the E coli bacteria. Its anti-bacterial qualities prevent bacteria from sticking to the inner walls of the bladder and the uterus. This same anti-bacterial property helps oral hygiene by preventing tooth decay. It also helps lower cholesterol levels. However, the best property of cranberry is its extremely long shelf life, when stored in the freezer. To check if your cranberry is healthy, throw it at a wall. The healthiest cranberries will bounce back.

Brain in placeBlueberryA fancy name with an enticing colour, the blueberry has the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruits. A diet rich in blueberries improves glucose control and insulin sensitivity in the system, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes.

Berry cool because: Among other benefits, consumption of blueberry is known to prevent mental ageing and cure neurotic disorders by controlling the degeneration of neurons. It restores the health of the central nervous system and enhances memory. This little berry can help those battling Alzheimer’s disease too. Blueberries even work as anti-depressants. Blueberries also help reduce belly fat, with just 83 calories per cup and contain the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The high fibre content prevents constipation.

Berry DietStrawberriesWhip it into a low-carb smoothie using soya milk, combine it with your cereal in the morning or use it as a salad dressing; strawberries are synonymous with almost all low-carb recipes.

CranberriesCranberry juice is the easiest way to consume this berry. Dried cranberry, available in the markets make for good salad and cereal dressing. Since cranberries have a long shelf life, converting them into sauce or chutney and then combining them with different dishes is a good idea.

BlueberryBlueberry always goes well with muffin. But, to reduce calorie intake, cut out on the sugars, while baking. Blueberries deliver a hit of sweetness to any dish they are added to. The simplest blueberry recipe is popping a deep frozen one in your mouth.

Goji BerriesThe sweet and sour quality of this berry can be combined with almost any salad, or even made into juice.

AmlaCombine amla with honey to prepare a sour-sweet juice for an evening drink. The amla can also be sliced and dipped in a combination of chilli powder and salt and eaten as a snack.