After ushering in the New Year in high spirits, everybody has had a late night. Thankfully, the first day of the year happened to be Sunday when everyone had the chance to relax and take it easy.


But the weekend is over and it is time to get back to reality. Almost everybody hates getting back to the grind after a weekend of revelry and fun but Monday beckons. How do you deal with the New Year blues on the first Monday of the year?

Psychologist Seema Hingorani says keeping a positive outlook helps in the long run. “I have a lot of clients who come to me saying that they are upset that the break is over and they have to get back to work. We call this syndrome, ‘New Year blues’, where working professionals are unwilling or reluctant to head to work on the first working day of the year. My advice to everyone is to keep an optimistic approach to life. As cliched as it may sound, make a resolution and try and stick to it. It could be anything from losing weight to taking a vacation to saving money. If you work towards fulfilling your resolution, you will have some focus in life. Look forward to things and stay away from negative thoughts’’, she says.

22-year-old Seema Sahibal who had just started working two months ago had a short break for New Year. She celebrated NYE in Goa and wasn’t in the mood to resume work at all. “All my friends decided to stay back in Goa for a couple of days more but I had to get back to work. I had a presentation coming up and I decided to motivate myself by preparing myself for it well in advance. Also the yearly appraisals will shortly happen so I didn’t want to falter on that,” she reveals. Ashish Agasti says he has been down with New Year blues for a couple of years now. “I always suffer from extreme dullness after I party for a couple of days. It makes me cranky and irritable but I overcame this feeling last year when I had made a resolution to save to afford a dream vacation.” Seema finally adds, “If it helps, drink in moderation. Driving the blues while having a hangover will be doubly difficult.”