She took to art as an exercise, only to realise that the canvas was the best medium whereby she could express her mind. In her first art show, artist Aprajita Singh brings to light the power of the human mind.


Titled Nosce te Ipsum — a Latin word meaning know thy self — the show displays the paintings based on a single theme... the expression of one’s mind. “There is so much enlightenment within you,” asserts Singh. “You don’t need anyone to tell you what you are capable of if only you look into your mind. My world is in my mind. I can expand it if I like or constrict it.”

In fact, one of Singh’s favourite piece in the show is called Me puls ultra. “It means nothing beyond. There is nothing beyond your mind,” she explains.

Singh draws her inspiration from all things around her. But when it comes to people, she finds President Barrack Obama the most inspiring. “I once heard his speech where he said ‘we are who we are waiting for’. I could so identify with that line.”

A graduate in MBA and law, Singh had been dwelling into corporate sector for long. But her aim was always to make people live a better life. Therefore, she went ahead to study Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) under Dr Richard Bandler.

“I was a lot into people development. After my NLP, I started looking more into the mind… how it attaches meaning to everything that happens to us.” And it was during this process, says Singh, that she started painting.

“I took it up as a way to express myself and my mind. and I discovered it’s the best medium.” She has used various iconic images to depict her art forms and their shapes strategically to perfect the visual language and imagery in her work. As a result, her work presents a clear and optimistic reflection of her thoughts and innovative artistic expressions regarding the sentimental