Maneka Gandhi responds to queries raised by  animal lovers across the cityAre bees attracted to certain colours?Bees are one of the main reasons that so many flowers are brightly coloured.  This is because they are attracted to the brighter coloured flowers.  As a result, these are the flowers that often get pollinated. Some colours have more influence on bees than others.  Bees are able to see ultraviolet light that we humans are not able to see. Bees cannot see red, and are very attracted to yellow and blue. They are warned off by black. However, wearing any of these colours or not wearing them does not attract or repel bees. You will only get stung if you attack their hives or behave in a way that threatens them like trying to swat them.Is there any natural medicine I can give to deworm my cat and dog?While it is best to give anti-worm capsules recommended by the vet, if your animal is weak or recovering from an illness, I would say that you should go the natural way and see if it works. Diatomaceous Earth: is made of fossilized algae, which is mined and then refined into what we call food grade or medical grade diatomite. These finer grade diatomites are what we use to de-worm pets and people alike. For cats, use 1 teaspoon, and for dogs 1 tablespoon to deworm. Wormwood Tincture: often is the active ingredient in many natural de-worming formulas. If you’re going to use wormwood tincture, you should promote a month-long treatment regiment so you make certain that no worm reinfestation reoccurs — this is particularly true when it comes to roundword infestation in animals.