Australian author Anna Funder  spoke to Malavika Velayanikal on her favourite books and authors


I’ve been incredibly moved by many books since childhood. When I was 10, in school in Australia, we were made to read The Diary Of Anne Frank. I had to read aloud in class the part where Anne Frank is taken away to the concentration camp. I broke down crying — something I was very ashamed of. I think that made me very, very angry with the Germans.

Another of my favourite books while I was growing up is Carson McCullers’s The Member Of The Wedding. I recommend it to all young people as it has an amazing voice about it. It’s the voice of a lost, lonely, pensive, innocent child turning into a woman. She wants to belong, she doesn’t and she can’t. And she can’t tell why. I read it when I was 14, and while that could be how all 14-year-olds feel, I do believe there’s something more general about that “longing to belong” in the book.

Recently, I just re-read Anna Karenina. It is probably the best novel ever written. Tolstoy is this complete genius. Every time I go back it, I love it. I feel as if I know all the characters and I meet them all the time.

I am currently reading Broken Republic, a collection of three essays by Arundhati Roy. I am just gobsmacked by what she’s describing about the war that’s going on. I am reading her piece about the Maoist fighters in the jungle.

It is very, very powerful and beautifully written. I feel the only way to alert the world to what’s happening is to write a novel about it. And I really wish she would write another novel.

Though I am enjoying her essays, I think a novel by Arundhati Roy is going to be even more powerful than her non-fiction work. Please tell her to write another novel.