Football fever begins today, will there be major upsets, controversies or will it be smooth sailing? Whom should you bet on? Whose side are the stars and planets on? We get an astro numerologist and a tarot card reader to reveal it all.Ajai Rai Madan, an astro numerologist says, "I see Argentina as a clear favourite and top contender. The other teams who will make it to the semi finals according to me are Brazil, Germany and Italy in that order. I see Argentina as a winner because their third house of sports and sporting achievements is strong just like it was for Spain last year when they won."Kiran Gupta, a tarot card reader, adds, "Brazil, the winners of World Cup 2002, have a strong team on the arena apart from the comfort of playing on home grounds. Brazil can surely rest on their past laurels towards a victory well-deserved. Coming close on the heels is Spain. Followed by Italy and France. Initially, it could play at a snail's pace, gathering momentum after the first few days. England, Belgium and Italy will reach the quarter finals. It's going to be a month-long festival of nail-biting scenarios, cheers and celebrations, with no mishaps or unpleasant events."